Welcome to the official website of the Kansas Wildlife Federation.

We are a highly dedicated team who supports the sustainable use and management of fish, wildlife, and their habitats through education, partnerships, outreach, and policy oversight.

Keep an Eye Out for Caterpillars

If you see any caterpillars, snap a picture and upload your finding to iNaturalist or the Butterflies and Moths Atlas (BAMONA)! Your sightings help further science and is also a good way to help get advice on what you found. Pictured here is a monarch caterpillar, but every sighting is important and you never know what tiny caterpillar is brand new to an area or maybe even an endangered species.

Create Habitat for Wildlife in Your Community

If you have a wildlife-friendly yard you can certify it and show off your hard work with a sign! This program promotes not just native plants, but having a full, self-sustaining habitat with shelter and water as well. 

Flatlander Podcast

Kansas is much more than flyover country. Listen along as we talk conservation, hunting, and highlight the plants and animals that call Kansas home. Listen wherever you catch podcasts. 

The Social Side of KWF

The Kansas Wildlife Federation is working to expand our social media presence. Give us a like and follow, and share your beautiful outdoors, hunting, and fishing photos and experiences with us using #kansaswildlifefederation

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